Why We Still Hang Clean

 Anyone that follows me knows that I’ve started to incorporate a lot more trap bar jump squats as part of our loaded or heavier implement power work. But that doesn’t mean we’ve totally ditched traditional power work like the Hang Clean. I still program it for athletes on a weekly basis for various reasons.

🔶 Triple Extension ➡️ the explosive triple extension of the Hang Clean is an underlying notion of jumping and sprinting. The rapid force development is crucial in almost all sports.
🔶 Eccentric Strength Development ➡️ the triple extension and explosive nature of the movement is huge, but teaching the body to absorb force is also extremely important.
🔶 Improved coordination and athleticism.
🔶 Fun. Not many athletes enjoy a heavy set of deadlifts or RFE Split Squats, but many athletes really enjoy the fast, athletic Hang Clean.

Additionally, if you are looking for more information about power development and how we go about developing power, check out my Ultimate Power Development book!

The book contains everything we do day in and day out with our athletes.

You can check it out HERE!

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