Random Thoughts: October Edition

Another month, another post full of random thoughts that have been going through my head. Hope it sparks a little thought in people and you enjoy!

  1. Want to be a great strength coach? Here’s a good place to start… Actually care about the athletes you work with.
  2. Training should be looked at as a way to improve performance AND strength…not JUST strength.
  3. Pure single leg training should be a large part of any strength and conditioning program that wants to improve performance AND reduce the potential for injury. In our programs we tend to perform a lot of SLDL’s, Skater Squats, and 1-Leg Squats to check that box.
  4. Is there a better exercise than sprinting?
  5. If you are a strength coach and not learning each day you are falling behind. Constant learning shouldn’t be looked at as an addition to the job, it should be looked at as the bare minimum to keep your job.
  6. Want to get ahead in life? Pick a great personal development/business etc book. Read it this week. Find another and do it again the next week. Repeat forever.
  7. The key training philosophy is train the adaptation and not the exercise.
  8. Don’t be afraid to challenge the status quo. Our profession needs it.
  9. The benefits of pure single leg training (1-Leg Squat, Skater Squat, SLDL) for almost any athlete can’t be overstated.
  10. Randomly putting a group of athletes (team) on machines is both mindless and lazy coaching.

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