1-Leg Linear Hurdle Hop Progression

The goal of our 'plyometric' program is to first teach the athlete jumping and landing skills before we progress to what most people would consider true plyometrics. We prioritize eccentric stability before we worry about power develop ➡️ we prioritize injury prevention over performance. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VR-L2sNT0rg Phase One: To A Box The first emphasis is learning … Continue reading 1-Leg Linear Hurdle Hop Progression

Diaphragmatic Breathing is Important!

“Your diaphragm is responsible for your breathing, your posture and for stabilization in performance.” Brett Jones Poor breathing patterns can lead to dysfunction across the entire body. And because of that, almost without fail, the best corrective exercise is teaching people how to breathe properly. Breathing has a huge neurological influence and is considered our … Continue reading Diaphragmatic Breathing is Important!